How to buy?
1. Browse products
Click Menu > Shop to start browse our products.
2. Click Order Now's button on product you want to buy
3. Add item to cart
Select size and quantity, then click Add to cart's button to add your item to cart.
If size not selected, warning message will appear required size need to be selected.
Success added item to cart message.
4. View cart items
Click to cart's icon below Skomad's logo and this screen will show. Click Continue to Checkout's button to start payment process.
Click View Cart to show more items in the cart. This is view of Cart's page.
4. Delivery and Payment Details
On checkout' page, please fill up all details required - Name, Phone no, Email Address, Shipping Address. You can apply discount if you have any valid coupn code.
Click Place Order & Pay's button to officially place your order and to make a payment. After this button clicked, you will be redirected to Payment Form's page that show summary details of your order.
5. Make a Payment
On Payment Form's page, click Make a payment's button to start. Screen will redirected to Senang Pay' payment form.
Scroll down more to choose your payment method.
You can choose one of payment method listed on the screen. Click each icon to select
- Split Payment via GrabPay/Atome
- e-Wallet - TnG, Boost, ShopeePay and etc
- FPX - Online Banking Payment
- VISA - Debit/Credit Card (recommended for overseas order)
e-Wallet Options
Split/PayLater Options
VISA Debit/Credit Card Options
Here an example if choosing FPX as payment method:-
- Select personal banking FPX bank name if using personal account
- Select enterprise banking FPX B2B bank name if using business account
- After select bank, click PAY green button. Screen redirected to login form of the bank selected.
- Finish all process on banking site.
After all process completed OR failed, this screen will appear and redirected to Order Status's page of your order.
If you cancel or failed to make a payment, please repeat step 5.